Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!

Today I ran across a quote I quite liked: "Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience." I thought those words by Ralph Waldo Emerson were especially fitting for today, Earth Day.

A few years ago, I became determined to do my part to preserve a bit of nature for my boys to enjoy as they grow. I started buying those twisty light bulbs. I became more vigilant in recycling. I became more disciplined in using my reusable grocery bags. I switched to as many natural cleaners as I could. I began buying more organic groceries ... I was determined to tread lightly on this earth.

I had no idea, at the time, that those actions would instill a since of responsibility on my own children to do their part. Now they remind me when I forget my bags. They remember to turn the light off (most of the time) when they leave a room. They help their father take recyclables to the local recycling center on the weekends. It has become a way of life.

Today I plan on planting something with my boys. I plan on using my reusable bag at the store. And I plan on being just a little more patient, as Mr. Emerson says is nature's secret. Most of all, I plan on being ever so grateful for this beautiful earth with which we've been so blessed.

Happy Earth Day!

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